Monday, March 8, 2010

A Facebook Picture Is NOT Worth A Thousand Words

Anything you see on Facebook has to be a portrait of the truth right?  I have to be honest with you, when I was on Facebook anything I saw in pictures was credible in my mind.  Well, we're both wrong and so are the rest of the people who make assumptions based on what they have seen on Facebook.  Like the old saying goes, assuming makes an ass out of you and me.

Recently, a friend of mine who openly admits that she is a Facebook stalker called me and said, "Did you hear that Charlie is dating Jill?"  I told her I had no idea and asked her where she heard it.  Well I should have just guessed because her answer was Facebook.  She said that a friend posted pictures from a birthday party last weekend, and Charlie and Jill were in the background of a picture and it looked like they were talking.  So, let's get something straight, because two people are seen casually conversing in a picture, that makes them a couple?  Not surprisigly, my friend called me back three days later only to say oops she was wrong, Charlie has a girlfriend and it's not Jill.

Therein lies the reason I had to quit Facebook.  We are a generation of oversharers.  We share everything from clothes to food to books to boys to pictures on Facebook.  We find it to be the norm to post pictures in a stupid album titled with the most recent rap lyrics from Lil Wayne.  We let the whole world into our lives on Facebook, one picture at a time.

Now you must be thinking, "But I never post pictures and I still end up tagged on Facebook." Listen friends, let's get real, if you are out and a friend decides to take pictures to document the evening, she is doing it for no other reason than to post the pictures on Facebook and show the world how much fun she is.  My advice to those who truly don't want all the little details of their lives showing up on the book: jump out of a picture when you know the sole purpose of the shooter is to post the picture on Facebook.  Or, I know there are some privacy options, set it up so that the only picture that can be seen of you is your default.  And, if that doesn't work you know what's coming next, quit Fbook!