Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Facebook For Crackberry

I came across  this little cartoon and laughed as I thought to myself, “well, that stupid mannequin clearly doesn’t have Facebook for Blackberry.” Stupid me is more like it.  Downloading Facebook on my Blackberry was definitely one of my downfalls in life (I know Melissa, not my all time worst but it's up there).  As if BBM and texting hadn’t taken over my life already, now I was adding something else to make my phone vibrate to no end and annoy the crap out of my present company, whom I probably stopped paying attention to because my phone wouldn’t shut the f up. I could have been at the movies, at my job (when I had one), in school, at the dentist (in the waiting room, come on, I'm not that idiotic), or anywhere, when that phone went off I was picking it up to check the nonsense.*

I’d just like to take a second to say, to whomever I was with when the little red light on my phone blinked incessantly, I’m sorry.  I’m sorry that I chose Facebook over you.  I’m sorry that I needed to know that Ava wrote on Jenna’s wall and that Lisa added Sophie as a friend.  I’m sorry that Emma and Jason are now in a relationship and that it’s complicated with Lucy and David.  I'm sorry that Lauren asked me to join Cafeworld and that Ryan invited me to "Not Another Birthday Party-Birthday Party."   I’m sorry that Alexa has asked me to take the “How good of a friend are you?” quiz and that I wrote her a message saying, “you’re annoying.”  Basically, I’m sorry I was one of those obnoxious biatches that we all actually make fun of.

I know we're all guilty of whipping out our phones and bbming and texting up a storm, but can we please not add Facebook to that mix?  We’re already such a rude generation, let’s not make it any worst.  Like my dad always says, “NO TEXTING AT THE DINNER TABLE!!”  That rule should apply to Facebook,  try to keep the stalking to computer time please. You're Facebook-free friends and family will thank you.

*On a side note, I'm thinking of throwing my Blackberry out the window, the BBMing is just too time consuming.  But, I'm not quite ready yet. A handful of friends told me that if I don't have BBM we probably won't speak anymore! Can I survive socially without it? Can you?