Friday, May 14, 2010

Cause I Ain't No Holla Back Girl

There is one thing that is making me crazy lately.  Well there is more than one thing, but this is the one I will share.  I recently started a job where one of my responsibilities is to return calls to middle-aged women.  I'm not sure if it is just this demographic or if there are more people like them, but they are doing something that makes me cringe.  I don't know if they are yearning for their youth or just trying to be cool, but I'd say that about half of the women I call have ringback tones on their cell phones.

First of all, I had no idea the ringback tone was still even in existence.  In case you don't know what a ringback tone is, it's the song you hear when you call someone instead of just hearing a ringing.  This is not to be confused with ringtone.  Ringback tone is the opposite.  Second, was it ever really cool?  Maybe for about 5 minutes it was a cool idea, but I'd never say it ever actually materialized to something cool.

Coolness is not even the issue.  The issue is this: why must I be subjected to someone else's choice in music?  Do you really think I want to hear "Walking on sunshine"?  You may be slightly depressed and feel that that song lifts your spirits but it just makes me want to...well you know what I'm saying.  Or, how about the mom who has Beyonce's "Single Ladies" as their ringback tone? Yeah, your married with children, you are not a single lady.

I just don't know why you think that the song that you like is the song that I want to hear at 9:30 in the morning.  What is wrong with the phone making its normal noise of "ring ring"? I like ring ring.  I'm used to ring ring and I don't mind it at all.    What I do mind is hearing "Holla Back Girl."  I may be calling you back, but I'm definitely not your holla back girl.