Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank You, Oh Thank You, You're Far Too Kind

When it comes to Facebook, The New York Times was really on their game this weekend.  Not only did they post the brilliant article, Antisocial Networking, which I broke down into the New York Times For Dummies version yesterday but they also posted an article called Gratitude Adjustment, which will get the same breakdown today.

From Evites to thank you notes, Alexandra Jacobs (the writer of the article, duh) discusses her disdain for all things tacky.  Not that the thank you note is tacky, but there are some ways of going about it that are cheese-a-rific.

You can take a gander at the article yourself, but Jacobs, who recently threw a dinner party was absolutely appalled when a friend thanked her husband on Facebook.  She says, "I was horrified the first time my husband and I were thanked on Facebook. Actually it was only my husband who received the thanks- I refuse to join this moronic, soul-sucking "social-media network."

Alexandra Jacobs, I love you! I could not have described Facebook any better.  Her words may seem harsh but I've been trying to find the words for the past 4 months and she has summed up my feelings exactly!

Somewhere between Facebook and Twitter, we've lost track of our manners.  Thanking a person on Facebook, never OK! It's like wishing someone a happy birthday by posting it on their Facebook wall.  Is it really that much of a challenge to pick up the phone and say "Happy Birthday"? I think not.  "Thank you," are two of the nicest words you can say to somebody so why don't you actually say them next time and not use the soul-sucking network to share your feelings.