Fact: Men and women communicate differently. If you did not know this, this may have been why your last relationship failed. It should come as no surprise than that men and women use Facebook for different reasons. I know what your thinking, men want to find women to bang and women want to find men to make their husbands. Although that's kind of my theory too, we are both a little bit wrong. Yes, there are certainly men and women out there who use the book for that reason, but apparently they are using it for other reasons too. Who knew?
I had always wanted to know the gender breakdown on Facebook (Why? Because I'm a big dork) and according to Forbes magazine it goes like this: 57% women, 43 % men. If you're not the brightest compact light bulb in the box let me lay it out for you: Women dominate Facebook. Shocker. We all knew one day that women would dominate in one way or another and now we have found our venue. Is that something to be proud of? You already know my answer.
So, what is it that men and women are doing on there anyway? Well, men are using the book as a means to gain power and women are using it as a means of "keeping in touch." Again, no surprise there. Women are sharing photos and stories from their everyday lives while men are gathering information and building their statuses. Real life mirroring Facebook or Facebook mirroring real life?
We've always known that men and women think differently and most certainly act differently. And, if these differences are coming out through Facebook than that must mean that they are true. So men, continue to hunt, gather info, and leave the seat up after you pee and the women will keep on making babies and posting their pictures online.